Monday, August 29, 2011

Love VS Law

I had a major download into my spirit today after reading Deuteronomy 6 in The Message Bible. I have been feeling a need to read it for sometime but got "caught up" in a reading plan that I kept forgetting to stop and read this particular passage. If you haven't read this passage recently I encourage you to do so before continuing the reading of this blog (at least go get your Bible and read the parts I'm going to refer to).

To set the backdrop, the scriptures leading up to Deuteronomy 6 are about The Law (i.e. 10 Commandments). In chapter 6 we learn the "why" of the commandments. I don't know about you but when someone tells me to do something I will not put in a vested interest without a deeper meaning or explanation. The "why" is important to me. Here are some of my thoughts.

Israel had continued to be disobedient despite all the things God had done for them. They would be good for a while but their "hearts" were not committed to God. They never really left behind their old habits, old desires, old mindsets. They wandered around for 40 years while God patiently taught, corrected and waited on them to fall in love with Him (I know that's a "girlie" way of putting it but isn't that what devotion is?) He wanted them to live FOR Him without a "slave" mentality. However, that's sometimes how we view Him too. "All these rules. All these commandments. If I'm not a slave to one thing…I'm a slave to another." WRONG! Jesus even said, "The first commandment is this: Love the Lord God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence and energy. And here is the second: Love others as well as you love yourself." Mark 12: 29-31 Why these set of rules? Verse 2 in Deuteronomy 6 states, "this is so you'll live in deep reverence before God lifelong…you, you and your children…living good lives." Not just a surface commitment but a DEEP love, deep passion, deep reverence. One that is not shaken by outward circumstances. One that holds steadfast when temptation knocks on your door. One that relies of God fully.

Verse 3: "Listen obediently." There are two actions here: Listen and Obey. A lot of times we listen without a heart ready to obey. Think on that for a moment. A heart that is devoted is ready to obey. Don't get mad at me yet…I am building on a point (and NO I am not perfect!) Further in the same passage it emphasizes that God had already made provision, they were about to enter "a land abounding in milk and honey" but to live in that fully they (we) would have to listen and obey. It's not that the provision wasn't there but they couldn't attain to the abundance of it all without obedience; they (we) would be self-limiting. Continuing with that thought, verse 4 says, "God is the ONLY God." Do not take up false idols and distract yourself from God's provision. You will only harm yourself. The abundance God has provided will not be fully experienced because your actions, thoughts, wealth and attentions will be drawn elsewhere.

Verse 5: Everything, from the depths of you to the groaning of your soul, must be devoted/desirous of Him. Love Him wildly, passionately, and wholly. Not because He commands it but because YOU DESIRE IT. You have a free will, a choice. It is not love if it is demanded. The chapter then goes on to teach the Israelites how they could keep these thoughts ever before them. Remind yourself daily that God does not require anything from you except love and devotion. He is your God, your one and only God.

Vs 10-12: I love this amazing passage. It is a true mark of God's provision for all of us. He will take care of us. "Houses you didn't buy…wells you didn't dig…orchards you didn't plant…" WOW! Don't forget how you got these things. Not of your own hand, not because you were perfect, not because you followed the Law but merely because you have found favor in God's eyes. Why not devote yourself to the One who loves you so completely?

Vs 20-24: Why? We were slaves….God intervened and got us out. It is not by our power: "We STOOD there and WATCHED as GOD delivered miracle signs, great wonders…" Our own salvation we did NOTHING to earn it. He gave it freely. He did a miraculous wonder and we stood there, enslaved in our sin, and either accepted or denied His provision of freedom. Israelites who went along with the crowd and left their slavery but didn't have a heart change died in the desert because they either rejected or denied the fullness of the gift they had given. It is the same for us. You can confess with your mouth but you must also BELIEVE in your HEART to be saved. Notice that doesn't say brain, it says heart. Mentally it may make sense to believe but your hearts devotion must change. God commanded us so we would live reverently before Him, the One who gives us this good life. Serving God is not about fear of breaking a rule. Yes, sin separates BUT Christ died on the cross to cover all our sins. The "rules" are there to teach us how to love God and others. If our actions are motivated by love of Him and love of our neighbors then we ARE keeping His commands. I am grateful that in my imperfection God has made me righteous through Christ. In that I will live a long and abundant life.

No I do not live by the Law BUT because of the grace He has shown me by delivering me from "slavery" I will reverently obey His ways. It is out of gratefulness my soul submits, not obligation.

Moral of the story: Love Him from the deepest part of you, wildly and without abandon. Develop relationship NOT legalistic religion. He has made provision, step into it and don't be distracted by what the world offers you as a cheap imitation to replace His bounty.

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